It all started with a photo of ladybugs on a garden flag and the conversation began between a fellow photographer friend and myself. I explained how ladybugs represent a love-bantering between my paternal grandmother and I. She loves to tell the story over and over about how I had once asked her as a very young girl if all ladybugs were ladies. She has a good chuckle at this. :) Over the years, at birthdays or Christmas or whenever we exchange gifts, there is usually something with a ladybug reference that we give to one another with a little knowing wink and a smile. It has reached the point that I can no longer look at a ladybug (of any sort) without thinking of my beloved grandmother. So, when my friend told me about this wonderful Victorian tea room called the The Lady Bug Tea Room in the historic district of East Berlin, PA (Adams County), my natural curiosity got the better of me!
I did a little research on the tea room and then began planning a group invitation for lunch and a photo walk afterwards for the "Berks County Photography Facebook Group." This is a terrific group of photographers and lucky for me I've made some lasting friendships. Many of the guys in our group were not interested in lunch at a tea room. So, my friend, Tony also mentioned another lunch venue in East Berlin - Rick's Hog Wild BBQ - something for everyone. Win-win!
With the help of other group members, we were able to settle on a date and even managed carpooling arrangements (thank you, Denean for driving - :)! After all, this was going to be a day long commitment and a hefty part of it was the drive. This was not exactly "local" for any of us! However, since this is a small, family-owned business, I decided to highlight this beautifully distinct tea room on my blog. I would confidently say that my friends and I were delightfully satisfied that we made the trip!!
I knew I would find a few ladybugs here!
When we arrived, we were warmly greeted at the door by Jen, the owner's niece. She was hurrying us inside since the temperatures outside were quite HOT. Come in, come in!! Once we settled our bags and camera gear at our table, it was time to pick out a unique tea pot and cup. With all the choices, it was tough to decide.

And decide we did. Once we all had our tea pots and cups ready to go, we were given a whole menu of different teas to choose from. These are no ordinary, run-of-the-mill teas either! Each tea has been named after a family member AND precise ingredients go into the making of each unique, individual tea to coincide with the family members' personality! We each chose 2 different teas and shared with one another. My favorites were "Forest Dan," "Boo Lukie" and "Jumpin' Jennifer Chai."
We were then presented with the 1st of 4 courses - the hot and cold hors d'oeuvres.

And after we "mmm..ed" and "ahhh..ed" over the 1st course, we were given 2 soup choices - free range chicken in a potato stock or cream of spinach. I chose the spinach. We were also offered blueberry iced tea. Quite simply put - outstanding! :) Every detail has been thoroughly thought through with creative flair and personal touches. All of the recipes are made from scratch and made fresh. This is not only a tea room, but also serves as the owner's residence. She has a kitchen garden out her back door where she picks fresh ingredients each day and she explained that in East Berlin they still deliver fresh cow's milk to her door each and every morning in order to serve her customers the freshest and the best of what's in season at the present time. I was in awe. I think my jaw just about hit the table when the owner explained in detail all of this to us. 'Impressed' is too light a word for how this made me feel. I felt like Royalty! ;)
Speaking of the owner - here she is … Miss Millie. With her "no nonsense" attitude about life, tell you "flat out" about yourself, and about what's going on in Washington, I sat up straighter when she walked into the room and paid close attention. This is a woman that I want on my side!! Millie told us that owning and operating a tea room was a dream that she and her mother both shared. Sadly, she lost her mother when she was 19, but she did not give up on their dream. The day we happened to visit, July 1, Millie explained was her 5 year anniversary. She told us how she learned a great deal in the first year of her tea room's history, and how she was able to make changes and become more successful than she had ever imagined. A firm believer in the power of prayer, Millie told us that she asks God for guidance in her business life, but He doesn't give her exactly what she asks for - it's usually greater and better than what she had in mind. This lady is an inspiration, and I feel so privileged to have met her.
Here we are at The Lady Bug Tea Room - pinkies poised and having a great time! Thanks, Jen for taking this shot of us! And a special and sincere thanks to my photographer friends for making this day extra great! These ladies are tops in my book!!
(L-R) Marilyn, Cathy, Andrea, me and Denean
After we finished up, it was time to look around some more. The Lady Bug Tea Room offers unique artisan style jewelry, hand knitted items, small original paintings, and their signature, homemade teas, too!
Millie mentioned that we were welcomed to go check out her backyard, photograph her flowers, and see her yard and garden. So, we did just that! And, as you can imagine, we found more ladybugs! These lucky beetles, and in my case smile invoking beetles, serve this tea room well.
Until my next 'Focus on Local' adventure, I wish you many fine local shopping and dining encounters! And have a terrific Independence Day tomorrow!! It's a good time to reflect and remember that only 236 short years ago the great states (or colonies) of America decided that enough was enough, and took back their rights to support one another at the local level.
Cheers to your good health, my friends,